
WELCOME!  Thank you for taking the time to visit our website.  We trust it will be informative but more importantly a blessing and encouragement.  Our theme verse is Colossians 1:18 "And HE is the head of the body, the church: ...; that in ALL things HE might have PREEMINENCE."  The last word in that verse means - having supreme rank and authority.  We believe that Jesus Christ (our head) should have First place in everything our church does!  Our goal then is to glorify God in our type of worship, music and ministries.  As you look over the rest of our site, please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have or, better yet, please come visit us!


Your Servant for Jesus' Sake,


Pastor John Sweatte


Please join us on December 22, 2024 at 10:30 am for the dedication of our remodeled sanctuary.  This dedication begins a new chapter in our church's history with a name change to Griffin Bible Church.  New sanctuary.  New name.  Same Biblical principles.


Contact Us


Sunday School        10:00 AM

Morning Service      11:00 AM

Afternoon Service        2:30 PM


Wednesday Service  7:00 PM